Merchandise Sale

How to create a merchandise sale.

Create a Merchandise Sale

Step 1: Tap Create > Merchandise Sale

This will start the merchandise sale workflow.

Step 2: Select Employee

Note: This will associate the check-in employee with the work order.

Step 3: Enter the customer's details

Step 4: Use Inventory Picker to Select Product

The inventory selection menu will appear immediately after you finish entering in a customer's details.

Using the menu at the left of this page, you can find a product one of two ways:

Use the "Search Parts" Bar

If you know the exact name of the product you're looking for, you can simply type in the name here.

When the product appears in the search dropdown, tap it to highlight it in blue.

Use the "Select Category" Dropdown

The exact layout of this route will vary depending on how your specific shop is set up. Tap any category to access its subcategories. Continue to do this until you see the part you're looking for, then tap it to highlight it in blue.

Note: Adding a New Part

You can also tap the blue "Add New Part" button to create a product for sale that isn't currently in your shop's inventory. See Managing Inventory for more information on the feature.

Step 5: Tap "Add to Invoice"

Tap the green "Add to Invoice" button in order to place the blue-highlighted item onto your invoice.

Step 6: Edit Prices

To edit the price of a product:

  • Tap the grey "Edit Prices" button at the top right of the page
  • Highlight the price of the item you want to edit
  • Enter the new price for that item
  • Tap the grey "Save Prices" button that at the top of the price column

Step 7: Tap "Finalize"

Tapping the green "Finalize" button will bring you to a page where you can preview and review your invoice.

On the right side of this page, you'll have a few final fields to:

  • Enter payment method
  • Enter customer's email
  • Choose to print a receipt
  • Choose to email a receipt

Step 8: Tap the green "Pay" button to record the sale into your Reports

Work Orders