Customizing Rush Charges

How to customize rush charges.

Customizing Rush Charges

If a customer has an urgent work order, you can set a variety of rush charges depending on when a customer needs their instrument by.

Adding a Rush Charge

Step 1: Tap the white "Due Date" button atop the work order

Step 2: Tap the desired rush charge listed to the right of the calendar popup

Step 3: Tap the green "Save" button

Editing Your Rush Charges

Step 1: Tap Admin > Company > Rush Charges

This will bring you to the Rush Charges menu.

Step 2: Enter in new details

In this menu, there are several specifications that you can alter:

  • How many days from intake an instrument must be ready ("Days Away")
  • The fee associated with a particular rush option
  • Whether the fee is a percentage (%) or dollar amount ($)

Simply tap on a field and type in a new value to change it.

You can also make the following changes in this menu:

To add a new rush option, tap the blue "Add New Row" button beneath the "Days Away" column.

To delete an existing rush option, tap the grey trashcan icon next to an option.

Step 3: Tap the green "Save" button at the bottom right of the page

Work Orders