Quick Search
This is the tool you want to use when a customer calls to say... "Where are you at with my repair?"
Step 1: Go to the search box in the top right of the page that reads "Quick Search Invoices"
This will open a small search box with customer names.
Step 2: Enter the customer name
- Enter the customer's first or last name into the search field.
- Tap the customer name.
Step 3: View and sort invoices
- From the "All Invoices" view for a customer, you'll see (imagine that) all of their invoices. (Keep in mind, invoices are work orders, work orders are invoices)
- They are sorted by "Date In" by default. You can change this by tapping on any of the headers.
- Tap the "Eyecon" to open and view an invoice.
- From the invoice view, you can tap "Back" at the top left to return to the list.